Awareness Program for Teachers

35,000.00 + Taxes

A study conducted in 2007 by Ministry of Women and Child Development, titled “Study on Child Abuse: INDIA 2007” to assess the extent and magnitude of forms of child abuse in India, reported that 53.22% children have faced one or more forms of sexual abuse. Children are subject to various forms of abusive and exploitive acts and can be abused physically, sexually and/or emotionally.

Hence, as teachers, it is extremely important to understand the role & functions when such incidents occur or are reported. Keeping this in mind, in this Program, we will cover:

  1. Understanding Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)
  2. Prevalence of CSA
  3. Factors to Consider when we are Understanding CSA
  4. Tactics used by Perpetrators
  5. Indicators of CSA
  6. Impact of CSA
  7. Reasons why Children don’t Disclose
  8. Creating an Emotionally Safe Space for Disclosure: Dos & Don’ts
  9. Responding to experience of Adult Survivors
  10. Addressing acts of sexual violations among Peers
  11. Action to be taken in case of CSA
  12. Self-care for Adults caring for Children
  13. Preventive Measures
  14. Understanding the Laws & Remedies:
    • Definition of a Child
    • Legislations pertaining to sexual violations against children: POCSO, IPC, IT Act, JJ Act
    • Child Rights & UNCRC
    • History of the POCSO Law
    • POCSO: Key Features
    • Understanding Sexual Offences and their Punishment
    • Non-Sexual Offences
    • Relevant Authorities under the Law: Role and Functions
    • Special Measures
  15. Understanding the Child Protection Policy
  16. Child Protection Committee: Constitution, Roles and Responsibilities
  17. Redressal and Reporting of Offences
  18. Reporting Mechanism

Duration – 2.5 – 3 Hours

Modality – Virtual ( Webinar )
