Awareness Program for Staff Members

35,000.00 + Taxes

A study conducted in 2007 by Ministry of Women and Child Development, titled “Study on Child Abuse: INDIA 2007” to assess the extent and magnitude of forms of child abuse in India, reported that 53.22% children have faced one or more forms of sexual abuse. Children are subject to various forms of abusive and exploitive acts and can be abused physically, sexually and/or emotionally.

Hence, as staff members who may be regularly coming in Contact with children, it is extremely important to understand the role & functions when such incidents occur or are reported. Keeping this in mind, in this Program, we will cover:

  • Understanding Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)
  • Prevalence of CSA
  • Impact of CSA
  • Preventive Measures
  • Understanding the Laws & Remedies:
    1. Definition of a Child
    2. Legislations pertaining to sexual violations against children: POCSO, IPC, IT Act, JJ Act
    3. Child Rights & UNCRC
    4. History of the POCSO Law
    5. POCSO: Key Features
    6. Understanding Sexual Offences and their Punishment
    7. Non-Sexual Offences
    8. Relevant Authorities under the Law: Role and Functions
    9. Special Measures
  • Understanding the Child Protection Policy
  • Child Protection Committee: Constitution, Roles and Responsibilities
  • Redressal and Reporting of Offences
  • Reporting Mechanism

Duration – 2.5 – 3 Hours

Modality – Virtual ( Webinar )
